Developments in Professional Development

Developments in Professional DevelopmentSunday, December 5th 2021

Please join us on December 5 for five presentations exploring developments in professional development. Covering topics such as the benefits of collaborating with colleagues, the how to of publishing, institutional approaches to personal development, teacher wellbeing, and part-time teacher wellness in the time of Covid-19, this event guarantees something of interest for all educators.

Sessions #1


  • Kazumi Kato, Wendy M. Gough
  • Melodie Cook

Sessions #2


  • Jennie Roloff Rothman
  • Mary Nobuoka

Plenary Speaker (16:00-17:00)The Impact of Covid-19 on Part-time University English Teacher Wellness in Japan: Wendy M. Gough, Chiyuki Yanase, Colin Skeates, Bill Snyder

In this plenary talk, the researchers will discuss the project, and how the above-mentioned factors contributed to negative emotions; mental and physical issues; anxiety; and stress related to occupational and personal factors while teaching online during the first year of the pandemic. We will then shift to a discussion of ways to promote wellness and resilience when adverse situations occur in our teaching environment, and conclude with presenting ideas about how institutions can be more supportive of part-time instructors in terms of clear communication, material support, and professional development opportunities.